“Walking, I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.” — Linda Hogan

Connect with your wise and well ancestors
for personal, collective and Earth healing

The dead are not dead. Our ancestors continue to live in mysterious ways. Their presence is akin to the underground mycelium network connecting the roots of trees into a wider forest consciousness. Their wisdom is alive in our blood and bones, and they can help us remember our ancient heart.

They can teach us about what it means to be human, about kindness, kinship, home and belonging, about accountability, reciprocity and being in deeper and better relationships with human and other-than-human kin, and with this living Earth of which we are all a part.

Ancestral lineage healing focuses on reclaiming our connection to these roots and those who came before us through learning to relate directly with kind and helpful ancestors for personal, family, and cultural healing.


Through transforming ancestral burdens and understanding and embodying the strengths and talents of our diverse lineages, we open pathways to access wellsprings of wisdom, resourcefulness, and felt belonging.

We receive support, guidance, and clarity about our own path and destiny, and what to do with this wild and precious life.

We become more grounded human beings whose thoughts and actions are considerate and compassionate, filled with Earth-honouring purpose, living and expressing our uniquely beautiful and interconnected selves for the well-being of the world.

The ancestral lineage healing / ancestral lineage repair approach developed by Dr. Daniel Foor is a resource-oriented and ritually safe method that enables the transformation of intergenerational trauma, and embodying the gifts and blessings of those who came before us. The foundation is a five-step intuitive process that you are guided through while in a light meditative state.

  • It begins with an assessment of your four primary blood lines to decide where to start the repair work.

  • You will then be supported to connect with a wise and well ancestral guide on the chosen lineage of focus.

  • These helpful guides can bring healing to any souls on that line who are in need, transform inherited burdens, and strengthen lineage gifts.

  • Eventually that healed and vibrant energy becomes available for ongoing support and blessing of living family as well as your own body, soul, and life.

Completing the entire process usually takes several sessions per lineage with some time for integration in between. Some people choose to mostly work on their own and only seek practitioner support occasionally, and I also offer shorter check-in Q&A type sessions without guided practice for those who would benefit from that.

Connecting with our kind and loving ancestors is possible for everyone. There is no need for knowledge of family history, contact with living blood relatives, prior experience with the ancestors, or “special” psychic talents.

This approach is culturally and spiritually inclusive, non-dogmatic, compassionate, and rooted in feminist, anti-racist, LGBTIQ-celebrating, decolonizing, class-aware, Earth-honouring ethics.

I proactively welcome clients from diverse cultural, religious, and personal backgrounds, and specialize in working with people seeking to reclaim ancestral spiritual gifts and with fellow members of the LGBTIQ+ community.

All sessions as well as occasional small group circles are available in German and English and conducted online via Zoom. For more information about this modality you can also explore the free media resources at Ancestral Medicine.

You are warmly invited to book a free 20-30 minute consultation to answer any additional questions, and clarify what you are looking for and whether ancestral healing work or another of my offers is a good fit for you.

You are not fifteen, or twelve, or seventeen—
You are a hundred wild centuries
And fifteen, bringing with you
In every breath and in every step

Everyone who has come before you,
All the yous that you have been,
The mothers of your mother,
The fathers of your father.

From those centuries we human beings bring with us
The simple solutions and songs,
The river bridges and star charts and song harmonies
All in service to a simple idea:

That we can make a house called tomorrow.
What we bring, finally, into the new day, every day,
Is ourselves. And that’s all we need
To start. That’s everything we require to keep going. 

— Alberto Riós, excerpt from A House Called Tomorrow

“I highly recommend Flora for ancestral healing sessions! I've appreciated the way she has held space for me, with sweetness and intuition. She is steeped in knowledge in so many areas, which was really helpful for the cultural healing sessions I did with her. If you're on the fence, go for it, book a session or five - this work truly is amazing.”

– Vicky, Ancestral Healing Client

“I was nervous to work on this ancestral lineage, but Flora's gentle kindness, skill at holding loving space, and inner joy helped me work through it. She was the perfect person to do this work with, and I highly recommend her for anyone that is nervous about getting into this work. She will hold a beautiful space for you.”

– Kimiko, Ancestral Healing Client