“That was how it worked. No magic at all. But that time it had been magic. And it didn’t stop being magic just because you found out how it was done.” — Terry Pratchett

Awaken to the magic within the seen and unseen

There is a world - that is also many worlds - beyond the veil of our everyday perceptions. It may be glimpsed out of the corner of the eye, heard in whispers and murmurs, and felt as an invisible presence. It has been called the Otherworld, imaginal realm, Isle of Avalon, astral plane, the nine worlds of Yggdrasill, non-ordinary reality, realm of Faerie, spirit world, and by many other names.

It might appear separate and is still inseparably intertwined with our everyday existence, as are those who inhabit its places and planes. Not all of these powers and beings are kind, helpful, or invested in human concerns, but many are, and do care about our toils and troubles.

There are benevolent elder powers seen and unseen, known and unknown, who, just like us, love this precious, sacred Earth.

They will gladly offer their support, wisdom, and blessing in our time of great unravelling and for the more kind, just, and sustainable world still waiting to become.

They are there, just beyond the veil, waiting to be called upon. We only need to remember how to ask.

There is a cosmic song, an unfolding of greater harmonies, waiting for our voice to join the choir. We only need to remember how to sing.

There is a bigger constellation, a wider web humming with shimmering trails of light, waiting for us to find our place among the stars. We only need to remember how to shine.

There is a spring, a deep source of wisdom, of memory, of creation, waiting for us to drink. We only need to remember our way to the well.

Ye used yer eyes and used yer heid.
That’s what a real hag does.
The magicking is just there for advertisin’.
— Terry Pratchett

Ritual Arts Mentoring

Receive mentoring and support for your own path and development of spiritual skills and practices such as intuition, embodiment, energetic boundaries and hygiene, ritual protection, spirit ally connections, divination, trance/journey methods, prayer, song, spellworking, seasonal rituals, ceremonies for diverse intentions and occasions, and other ritual arts.

Spirit-Mediated Healing

These sessions are guided and facilitated by my healing and helping spirit allies and can include energy body work and clearing, power retrieval, soul part retrieval, energy bind unravelling (curses, vows, oaths, soul contracts, thought forms or ancestral themes), psychopomp facilitation, or release of overshadowing spirits (compassionate depossession).

~ Currently only bookable via having a free consultation. Offered for a personally negotiated sliding-scale fee. ~

Oracular Mediumship with the High Seat

The Seiðr High Seat is a mediumistic sitting and a modern practice based on accounts from Old Norse literature. As a “sitter” for the High Seat I enter a trance state of conscious embodied mediumship with the wise and compassionate Norse powers. As “seeker” you can bring a question or blessing request and receive a response through oracular speech, energetic transmission, and/or blessing being offered.

~ Currently only for established clients. Offered by donation based on what you can and wish to give. ~

You are warmly invited to book a free 20-30 minute consultation to answer any additional questions, clarify what you are looking for, and find out whether one of my offers is a good fit for you.

Wake, maiden among maidens,
wake up, my friend,
She-Wolf, sister!
Who lives in the rock cave;
Now is the darkness of darkness itself,
together we ought to ride
to the Hall of the Chosen
and to the sacred shrine.

— from The Lay of Hyndla, Poetic Edda


– Source

“I received Flora's High Seat offering as a profound blessing during a period of transition. The thorough way she guides the session and holds beautiful space allowed me to deeply receive this blessing. What emerged came from a profound sense of what weaves created reality - an offering to deepen relationship. This kind of work is restorative not only to the recipient, but to the larger web of life.”

– Summer Starr, High Seat participant